Friday, December 31, 2010

Bless your new year by beginning it with a Fast!!

"There is never a good time to fast. In the winter, it is too cold. In the summer, it is too hot. There is always a special dinner or birthday to keep us from fasting. I suggest that you just fast and everything will work out.

A great time to start a 21 day fast is at the beginning of the year. First of all, you set the course of the year. When I pray in the morning, I set the course of my day. Nothing is going to happen to me outside of God’s will when I pray at the beginning of the day.

Secondly, blessings will happen for you and your family throughout the year because you fasted in January. God will bless you in May, August, or in October. You will still receive blessings because you fasted at the beginning of the year.

Thirdly, you release the Matthew 6:33 principle, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you.” You are seeking God at the first of your year. Now get ready for “things” to “be added unto you.”

When you participate in a 21-day fast, there are thousands and thousands of believers all over the world who are fasting at the same time. When you begin to fast and “link” with them spiritually, the same blessings that are upon them and the same answers to prayer and spiritual breakthroughs that they receive, you receive also.

If one fasting person has a breakthrough, in their finances for instance, you will receive a financial breakthrough, too. When there is a breakthrough in the direction of their life, you will get a breakthrough in your life.

Your prayers are multiplied. Your prayer fasting is multiplied ... “One can chase a thousand, two can put ten thousand to flight.”

One man’s fast is very powerful. But two men’s fast means multiplied strength and releases multiplied angels of God." Pastor Bob Rodgers

Bob Rodgers Ministries

2011 21 Day Fast

Fasting 2011

Ready to begin the new year with a fast?

"[A] great promise, from the book of Isaiah, proclaims that the chosen fast will "undo the heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free." We are living in tough economic times and I know that so many people are under a financial burden. As we come together to fast and pray, I am believing that your burdens will be lifted and that financial blessings will be released into your life!" Pastor Jentezen Franklin
Fasting 2011

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fasting Movement 2010 / Free Fasting Magazine

We are beginning a new year and a new decade!
Join me
as I begin the year (and decade) with thousands of other worldwide to fast and pray for our countries, our lives, and our families!


Join hundreds of thousands around the world for the Fasting Movement 2010 as we corporately give to God throughout the year through prayer and fasting.

When you obey God‘s commands through prayer and fasting, you release blessings into all the areas of your life.

“And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 28:2).

Join Here!

When you
join you will get shipped (or you can immediately download) an excellent "Fasting Magazine" to support you in your fasting journey!

Enjoy and be blessed!

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