Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 3 and we can do ALL things through Christ!

Today was a great day! It was a beautiful sunny day in southern California!

I took my children to the L.A. County fair and had a wonderful time! We saw farm animals and huge vegetable gardens, honeybees, and lots of stuff to see and do (and buy) everywhere.

My fasting is going well, I had a lot more energy today than I had the past two days and I felt great! As my children ate their tacos from King Taco, I drank my dinner of water and silently prayed then did a little window shopping. As they later ate their funnel cake and Mackinac Island Rocky Road Fudge, I ate my snack of water.

It actually was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be to smell all the delicious food around me and not want to eat it. I just would say little prayers in my head, think about the reasons for my fasting,

and remind myself:

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."~Philippians 4:13

I share all this to remind those who think they cannot fast, especially when surrounded with delicious food everywhere they turn, that through Christ, they absolutely can!!

I hope, if you are reading this, that you had a sweet, blessed weekend as well! ; )


Great job Mari! Keep up the good work!
Nice blog you got here too. I really like the look and feel.

Thank you Peter! Yeah I changed the look of my blog--Glad you like it!

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