Day 2
Today was actually harder than yesterday. I am hungry. My thirst has increased--as is typical with a fast.
On my fast I am drinking nothing but water (more, a lot more water, than usual), and obviously no food.
A couple of times throughout the day, I add raw, organic apple cider vinegar (about 1-2 tablespoons) to a glass of water. This helps speed up the cleansing and detox process. Plus, it helps me to not feel faint while fasting.
I realized today, just how deeply we are attached to food and eating. We eat food for everything!
On happy occasions, we celebrate with food and good meals.
On sad occasions, we feed ourselves and others, as a form of nurturing.
Meeting with family or friends usually involves food of some type.
Then of course, there is comfort food, such as a bowl of ice cream along with a good movie.
Through fasting and by denying yourself food, it almost feels unnatural, and yet freeing in a way, as you gain control of your flesh and not the other way around.
On to day three tomorrow!
I know how hard it is too fast. I hope that tomorrow is a little easier than it was today.
May God Bless You and The Kids!
Anonymous said... August 24, 2009 at 12:08 AM
Thank you Peter! Your encouragement means a lot!
Mari said... August 24, 2009 at 12:09 AM
The first 3 days are usually the hardest. You are so right about food and occasions. When we fast we break our spirit down so that we can draw closer to God. Oh, how wonderful it is to draw closer to God through fasting and prayer.
Blessings and have a great day 3!!
Evelyn Parham said... August 24, 2009 at 10:48 PM
Yes, the first 3 days are definitely the hardest! It is so amazing to begin to feel the presence of God so much stronger through fasting and prayer!
I had a trying but blessed day 3!
Thank you Evelyn, for your encouragement!
Mari said... August 25, 2009 at 12:39 AM
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