Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 4

Today was the easiest of all the days so far!

I am now past the initial 3 days--which in any fast are always the hardest. If you can get past the first three days, you can rest assured that the worst is behind you.

My hunger is pretty much gone now as well, although I still crave food. I can smell food much better. You see when you fast your senses all get stronger and sharper--especially, your sense of smell, I think.

I can never get over how at a time when you are not eating any food you can smell all the food and all the meals being cooked around you so intensely. The irony.

In fact, my nose is telling me that my neighbor two doors down is baking cookies and my neighbor across the street is heating up a pizza --Just kidding, but seriously, as you continue a fast your sense of smell gets stronger.

I guess in that sense, dogs and fasters have something in common! LOL!

My moods were more balanced today as well. More at peace.

I am thirsty a lot. During a fast your body begins to rapidly detox. Your body then needs more water than usual to carry the toxins out of your body.

I feel stronger and a little more energetic today than the past few days, and I am focused on my goal. I am more in touch with my emotions, as well. Fasting does bring emotional clarity!

My desire to growing closer to Jesus Christ is growing as well! If you ever feel like you are in a spiritual rut-- FAST!

I am actually very excited about my fast and the experience I will have through this journey!!


i am happy to hear that it was easier for you today. You know that the longest i have ever gone is two and a half days without eating and i know how hard that was for me. So I can not pretend to know how hard it is for you. All i can do is say that you of all people can go distance.
God Bless You and Your Family!

Thank you Peter!

Your continued support is very much appreciated!

Thank you again!

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